There are two dates that will stay etched in my mind this year – firstly the 17th March, the day we started lockdown here in France and secondly today, the 11th May, the date the process of coming out of lockdown starts here.

And, I admit that I’m excited, but also a little bit apprehensive (even terrified) at the same time!

I’m excited to be able to see my family and friends again (and eventually to be able to travel), but I’m a little scared to venture outside my ‘safety bubble’.

Questions that spring to mind are ‘Will I ever be able to walk in heels again?’ and ‘Will I be capable of maintaining a face-to-face conversation?’ But, on a more serious level, we need to be aware that we are returning to a different world than before and that there is a new “normal”.

Little by little, coronavirus lockdown restrictions are easing all around the world, and we are all counting down the days until we can hug our family, throw a party, go to our favourite restaurant and travel again.

We’ve all spent weeks looking forward to this moment, and after all that build-up, it’s impossible not to have high hopes for magical moments.

But, don’t underestimate the period of reintegration — which while exciting, is harder than it looks, and is not without its own risks!

Stay sane coming out of lockdown

Here are some tips for how to make reintegration a little easier on everyone.

How to Stay Sane Coming out of Lockdown

✨ Temper Your Expectations

Some of your friends and family may have changed, an extended period apart (especially one so emotionally fraught) changes people and those initial feelings of excitement and anticipation to see everyone may wear off and turn to frustration as you notice changes in each other.

Remember that we have all been through this crisis and we all dealt with it the best way we could. For some people that meant regular Skype parties and “Netflix” and for others, that meant withdrawal into a cocoon and working on personal development.

Whichever option you chose is fine, but just don’t expect everyone to be the same as two months ago! Accept and embrace each others progress.

✨Consider what parts of “normal” are worth going back to

Photo taken pre lockdown (Lake Garda)

In the rush to return to “normal”, take time to consider what parts of “normal” are worth going back to.

Maybe, you always had certain activities that dragged you down emotionally – take advantage of the lockdown to review those activities that you want to return to and eliminate those you don’t.

✨ Don’t over-schedule the first few weeks

The shock of going from being in lockdown to a new routine, where you are going to work, where you can now go for walks, go to the shops can be enough to deal with without adding in a constant list of places to be and people to see. Make sure to schedule some downtime, and continue with your self care routines. (See here for some tips)

✨ Continue to practice any new good habits you have adapted during lockdown

If you have established a daily routine, started exercising, practicing yoga, cooking healthy meals, learning a new skill or practicing gratitude, then it’s important to continue this at the end of lockdown.

Stay sane coming out of lockdown

Having a routine will help to keep you grounded and ease the transition. However, don’t beat yourself up if you don’t follow your routine 100% – it’s important to be kind to yourself too! I still (and always will!) have days when it all feels a bit overwhelming, and the cookie jar wins out over the routine!

✨Be patient and give yourself permission to just “feel how you feel”

You may experience a feeling of “anti-climax”, but don’t worry if everything doesn’t feel comfortable right away! Ease back into your routines and give yourself permission to feel all kinds of emotions!

Stay sane coming out of lockdown

You may need some time to settle back into your life and sort out emotions. Go easy on yourself and give it time. There is no right or wrong way to deal with this !

✨ Watch your spending. 

You may find it tempting to celebrate the end of lockdown with a shopping spree, but remember to stay within your means. It’s not worth swapping one problem for another and, finally, but most importantly :

✨ Stay prudent and stay safe

It’s important to follow all the advice given, wear a mask, wash your hands regularly, avoid large gatherings and respect social distancing etc. We may be starting to win the battle, but I fear the war is not over yet!

Stay sane coming out of lockdown confinement

So, yes, let’s remain cautiously optimistic about regaining our freedom to move, but let’s also remain realistic that we don’t know what the future holds. So keep those face masks handy, don’t rush into throwing parties and stay safe!

I hope these tips on How to stay sane coming out of lockdown will help you as we move towards a “new normal”, and have a look here for more of our mindset features.