Welcome back to the Velvet Runway and this feature about 5 Essential Tips for Starting Your Spring Garden.

As the days are slowly starting to get longer and the weather begins to improve, it’s the perfect time to start thinking about making preparations for your garden.

Spring is the best time of the year to plan what you want to achieve in your garden for the year ahead, and this guide will provide you with handy tips to help you efficiently prepare.

5 Essential Tips for Starting Your Spring Garden

5 Essential Tips for Starting Your Spring Garden

1. Plan your garden layout

It’s vital that you take the time to properly plan the potential layout of your garden, as you want to make sure that whatever you plant is in the best place possible to give it the most potential to flourish. Factors such as sunlight exposure, water availability, and how big your plants will grow when they reach maturity are important things to consider. 

Garden design

Think about sketching out a rough design for where you want to place each type of plant you want to include, taking into account any companion planting or crop rotation strategies you may want to implement.  Including fruits and vegetables in your garden will not only help to add colour and variety, but you can also use your freshly grown organic produce such as tomato plants for cooking in your home. 

2. Prepare the soil

Healthy soil is the most important part of any garden. Without it, your garden and the plants within it will never reach their full potential. Adding organic matter such as shredded leaves, compost, and aged manure will give your plants the best chance for substantial growth and provide them with the nutrients they need. 

5 Essential Tips for Starting Your Spring Garden

You could also conduct a soil test to get a clear picture of the pH levels and amend the soil accordingly to make sure you create the ideal growing conditions for your plants.

3. Start growing seeds indoors

Give your plants a head start by growing seeds indoors. Find out the last frost date for your area and start sowing the seeds indoors in seed-starting trays or pots several weeks beforehand. Make sure you place the seeds in a light, warm area of your home with access to plenty of moisture. Once they have developed, you can move them outside when the weather has improved.

5 Essential Tips for Starting Your Spring Garden

When selecting your seeds, opt for a mix of annuals and perennials to provide continuous color and interest throughout the season. Consider incorporating native plants, which are adapted to the local environment and require less maintenance once established.

4. Protect against pests and disease

Regularly monitor your garden for any warning signs of pests or diseases. If you do come across some, you can choose to use natural pest control methods such as companion planting and row covers to deter them without the need to use harmful chemicals. 

5. Stay on top of your garden maintenance

You want your garden to flourish all year round, so you must put in a great amount of care and commitment to maintaining the garden throughout the months ahead.

garden irrigation

Water your plants regularly using a garden irrigation system for the best results. You should also monitor your soil moisture levels regularly and proactively fertilise your plants, fruits, and vegetables. 

Final Thoughts on 5 Essential Tips for Starting Your Spring Garden

With these five essential tips, you’re well-equipped to embark on your spring gardening journey with confidence and enthusiasm.

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