Welcome back to the Velvet Runway and this feature about How to see the New Year in right.

As 2023 draws to a close, the promise of 2024 is something to look forward to. New Year’s Eve is a time of celebration and reflection as we bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new one. It’s an opportunity to gather with loved ones and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Here are some ways to give yourself an evening full of fun and laughter. 

How to see the New Year in right

How to see the new year in right

Choosing your outfit

It is natural that you want to start the New Year looking amazing, so you will have to plan your outfit accordingly. The festive season is the perfect time to dress to the nines in sparkles, patterns and colours. 

party dress

To give yourself a confidence boost, why not treat yourself to a luxury dress? Not only will you feel great, but people will be complimenting you all evening.

Throw a party

Getting your friends and family all together in one place can be a lovely way to chat about the year gone by and bring in the new one with people you plan on spending it with.

If you are one for party activities, you could get some photos of events over the past year and blank out the faces. This is a great conversation starter as people attempt to guess who the people in the photos are. 

Try something new

Parties don’t appeal to everyone so you could try and do something different on New Year’s Eve. You could see if a local bar or pub is hosting an event. Remember to book tickets early on though, as these types of events tend to sell out quickly. You may find that there are public fireworks displays locally too, which could be a great way to spend your evening. 

How to see the New Year in right

Families with young children might not want to overwhelm them with lots of activities or a party. There is still something special about staying in and spending the evening together. If your little ones are too small to stay up until midnight, find one of the past New Year’s Eve countdowns on YouTube and watch that together. This ensures they still feel included and part of the fun. 

Set resolutions

A New Year presents a great deal of promise and the opportunity to improve your life. Although many resolutions are born from good intentions, it can be easy to go overboard and set goals which aren’t realistic. This can lead to feelings of disappointment and failure if you do not achieve it.

How to see the new year in right

Before you start, take some time to reflect on the past year. Celebrate your achievements and acknowledge any challenges you faced. This reflection will help you gain clarity about what you want to accomplish in the coming year.

Then, think about long-term goals broken down into manageable chunks. For example, your overall goal could be to save up for a new car. If you break this down into monthly goals of a small portion of the overall amount, then you are more likely to stay focused and be able to achieve it. 

Also, make sure to be specific and set a deadline, as if you don’t set specific goals, how will you know if you’ve achieved them? It seems obvious but state what and by when! For example, I want to be fitter is not a good goal, but I want to complete a half marathon by 30th June 2024 is!


The festive period is often full of overindulging, socialising and spending. This can take its toll on your social battery as well as your bank balance.

Do not feel obliged to attend every event that has been planned if you feel you need some time. Unless they are people you see once a year, then you can rearrange and see them further into the new year.

family cooking

Also, if you are hosting an event, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Getting family and friends to chip in with things like preparing dinner can be great for bonding and catching up.

Final Thoughts on How to see the New Year in right

New Year’s Eve is a magical time to celebrate, reflect, and set the stage for a remarkable year ahead. Surround yourself with loved ones, create memories, and welcome the New Year with open arms. Here’s to a New Year’s Eve filled with joy, love, and optimism for the future!

I hope you enjoyed this feature about How to see the New Year in right, and have a look here for more lifestyle inspiration.

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Look good, feel good, live your best life 🙂

With love,