Welcome back to The Velvet Runway and this feature about What Health Checkups Should You Get After 40.

For many people, hitting 40 is a major milestone. When you get to that age, you begin to feel middle-aged, and sometimes you feel that life can never be the same again.

Health also becomes a significant concern, and you may begin to worry about what health problems might be lurking around the corner. 

If that sounds like you, this post should help. We look at the health checkups you should get after 40 and why they matter.

What Health Checkups Should You Get After 40?

Plant-based living : a beginner’s guide to a healthier lifestyle.

1. Blood Pressure

What Health Checkups Should You Get After 40

The first checkup you’ll want to get is your blood pressure. It can rise during your twenties and thirties, and become quite dangerous as you get older.

Having high blood pressure puts you at risk of stroke, heart disease, and kidney problems. The reason is that the body hasn’t evolved to deal with the large amounts of force in your cardiovascular system. Historically, almost everyone had low blood pressure because salty food wasn’t available in abundance. However, in today’s society high blood pressure is on the increase.

To reduce your risk of heart disease, you want your blood pressure below 120/80. Ideally, it should be somewhere around 110/70 or lower than that. Even small elevations can increase your risk

Make sure you get your blood pressure checked regularly and take action, if necessary to maintain/ reduce your blood pressure.

2. Mammogram

Getting a breast cancer screening is also a good idea if you’ve just turned 40. It’s at this time that cancer can start to develop. 

What Health Checkups Should You Get After 40

Most professional bodies recommend a breast screening once every couple of years between the ages of 40 and 49. Catching nodes and calcifications early increases the likelihood of detecting tumours while they remain benign, making them easier to remove and treat.

3. Pap Smear

You might also want to get a pap smear, particularly if you haven’t had one during your life. These tests are for cervical cancer, a type of cancer that affects the tissue between the uterus and vagina. 

Pap smears are something you’ll want to get every three years, plus HPV tests every five years. These give you peace of mind and help you live your life with more confidence.

4.   Cholesterol Check

Cholesterol isn’t just something that affects older people. It can also cause problems in younger life, including in your forties. Catching high cholesterol early reduces the risk of heart attacks and stroke later on. 

You want your total cholesterol to be below around 160 mg/dL. Higher than this, and the risk of heart disease increases rapidly.

What Health Checkups Should You Get After 40

If your cholesterol turns out to be high after your test, your doctor should provide you with advice on what to do next. The best approach is to adjust your diet to include more fruits and vegetables. However, they may also prescribe a statin drug.

5. Bone Density Scan

Finally, you might want to go for a bone density scan. These check your bones have the right structure and whether you are at risk of osteoporosis, or bone wasting. 

What Health Checkups Should You Get After 40

This condition mainly affects older people. However, it can still have an impact on younger individuals. Improving your diet and exercise routine today can boost bone health over the following decades, making fractures less likely in the future. Always get checked if you have a family history of bone disease.

Final words on What Health Checkups Should You Get After 40

In conclusion, by focusing on the regular health checkups you should get after 40, you can enhance your overall well-being and lead a happier and more fulfilling life.

I hope you enjoyed this feature about What Health Checkups Should You Get After 40, and you can also have a look more of our health and wellness features.

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