Welcome back and today I want to share with you the top ten secrets of stylish women.

Your style can open doors for you or get them slammed in your face! 

Once you’re through the door, then it’s up to you to back up that first impression with substance, but first you have to get in the room! 

Ten secrets of stylish women

But, your style doesn’t just affect how others perceive you, it influences how you perceive yourself and is a crucial element of your self esteem. 

Have you ever wondered how incredibly stylish women always look so put together? Would you like to know the top secrets of stylish women?

Well, style isn’t an accident, and the most stylish women in the world make style a priority. Now, I’m not talking about spending hours in front of a mirror or spending a fortune on glamorous clothes that you don’t have the occasion to wear. 

I’m talking about implementing a few simple practices that will improve your style and your confidence so that you will always looks chic and have more confidence. 

Good style comes from good habits and here are the ten habits that incredibly stylish women never neglect. 

Ten Secrets of Stylish Women

Stylish women show up on purpose/ they know who they are and they have a signature style.

Stylish women know what they like and what they don’t like and they know the message they want to convey to the world.

Stylish women dress for the body shape they have now.   

Stylish women dress to show case the body they have right now! They don’t wait to lose weight/ tone up to wear clothes they love. 

Understanding and dressing for the body shape you have now is the key to looking stylish and elegant. 

All body types have positive and negative aspects, and the key rules to dressing for your body shape are:

  • Accentuate and draw attention to what you like
  • Camouflage what you don’t, and finally
  • Flaunt your assets (within reason!)

Stylish women have perfectly curated wardrobes 

Ten secrets of stylish women

Stylish women regularly perform style audits, and clear out their closets and assess each garment on these criteria: 

  • Does it still fit, or can it easily be altered to fit? 
  • Is it in good condition? 
  • Is it still fashionable? 
  • Does it work with their current age and lifestyle? 
  • Do they love it? 
  • Does it flatter their body and colouring?
  • When did they last wear it?

They then organise their wardrobe so that they can easily see and find the pieces they are looking for, and finally they shop with intent to “fill the gaps”, and taking account of their style and a range of other criteria. 

Stylish women dress for the lifestyle they have now 

Stylish women make sure their wardrobe reflects their current lifestyle, and that they aren’t hoarding clothes that they don’t have any occasion to wear. 

Ten secrets of stylish women

They regularly assess the percentage of time they spend on their different lifestyle activities and compare this to the percentage of garments in their wardrobe by category. 

If they spend 50% of their time in  business clothes, then they ensure that 50% of their wardrobe falls into that category. 

They look at where they struggle to find the right outfit (on which occasions and situations) and this enables them to identify the gaps in their wardrobe so they can focus their shopping.

Stylish women know how to put outfits together for all occasions

They  know how to associate pieces to create a perfect look for all situations, they know how to combine prints and colours, and they have simple outfit formulas for different situations.

Ten secrets of stylish women

It’s also a good idea to keep a “lookbook” of your favourite outfits, so when you’re pushed for time, it’s a guide you can fall back on so that you don’t have to spend too much time thinking first thing in the morning when you just want to get dressed quickly! 

Stylish women are organised 

Stylish women plan their outfits ahead of time so they don’t have any nasty surprises when they are getting ready! 

If you take a little time to plan out your outfits for the week, you will find getting dressed each day a much less stressful experience, and most likely, feel more stylish as you’ve taken a little time to create an outfit.

Stylish women also lay out their clothes the night before! As they do so, they check that there are no stains, tears, missing buttons etc. , that the outfit is suitable for the situation and that everything co-ordinates.

This ensures there are no last minute nasty surprises and takes the stress out of looking stylish.

Ten secrets of stylish women

Stylish Women pay attention to details

Stylish women are always immaculately groomed and they know how to use accessories to their advantage. 

Accessories are a great way to express your personality, and they also allow you to “test” a new trend for minimal cost. 

They can also create a focal point and add interest to an outfit, and by changing your accessories, you can change your look!  

Stylish Women are aware of the impact of their surroundings on their mindset and on their style. 

When we are talking about style, we often talk about our mindset (our inner world), but we also have to think our environment (our outer world).

They both impact your style and each other. As you upgrade one, you will also upgrade the other, and they work in harmony. 

Your surroundings include your physical environment, your home decor, the food you eat, the places you visit and your emotional environment, the  people you hang out with, the information you consume, such as the books you read, the films you watch, the things you listen to. 

All of this impacts how you think and how you feel and how you show up in the world ie your style .

Stylish Women have a growth mindset and unstoppable confidence  

Stylish women have confidence in their style, and they don’t depend on other people’s opinions to validate their look. 

Ten secrets of stylish women

They dress so that when they look in the mirror they see the woman they know themselves to be, a woman who values and cares for and about herself. 

How you show up in the world is a choice and it should be YOUR choice. 

Their style is constantly evolving 

As we evolve as women, we grow as a person. We learn to know ourselves better, we have different priorities at different stages in our lives. 

We also change physically, our body shape and colouring change and we may also have different lifestyles. 

As we evolve, our style needs to evolve with us!  It’s a continual journey of growth and self discovery! 

So, enjoy the process, and be unapologetically and authentically you. You can have a look here for more of our style features, and you might also enjoy this post on How to look elegant and classy on a budget.