how to age positively
Health and Wellness Lifestyle

Ten tips for how to age positively


Welcome back to the Velvet Runway and this feature with my top ten tips for how to age positively. Recently I met a 25 year old who was stressed about turning 26 as she believed she was getting “too old”. It made me wonder what messages the media and consumer industry are sending out that would cause a 25 year old to worry about ageing, and what practices we can adopt at any age to ensure that we age positively! 

Whilst obviously media messaging about ageing varies depending on the source and context, many outlets portray ageing as a negative process, associated with deterioration of physical, mental and emotional health. 

The consumer industry often sends messages about ageing that focus on maintaining a youthful appearance and/or reversing signs of ageing, such as in the marketing of anti-aging creams, supplements and cosmetic procedures, and these messages can create unrealistic expectations and reinforce negative stereotypes about ageing. 

However, the reality is ageing is a natural part of life, and it doesn’t have to be a negative experience. Instead, it can be a time for personal growth and positive change, and ageing well depends on prioritizing our mental, physical, and emotional well-being. 

“Do not complain about growing old. It is a privilege denied to many.

Mark Twain

Ten tips for how to age positively

tips for how to age positively

1. Develop a positive mindset

Mindset is the most important factor in ageing positively, and it is important to focus on the things that bring you joy and happiness, rather than dwelling on the negatives. 

Ageing positively isn’t about trying to look like a 20 year old, but  it’s about living your best life and having the physical and mental health to enjoy it. Like a bottle of wine or a good cheese, you can get better with age with the right attitude and practices.

tips for how to age positively

Ageing positively is about accepting and embracing change, and living life to the full. Make sure to prioritize self-care and activities that bring you joy and satisfaction, such as spending time with loved ones, traveling,  taking up a new hobby or learning a new skill.

2. Stay Physically Active

One of the best ways to age positively is to stay physically active, and exercise is not only good for physical health, but mental health as well.

tips for how to age positively

Exercise can help to reduce the risk of developing many age-related conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, as well as help to maintain and even improve muscle strength, balance, and flexibility. 

Physical activity can also help to reduce the risk of falls and fractures, reduce stress, and improve mood. 

The Department of Health & Human Services recommends that adults do:

  • 2.5 to 5 hours per week of moderate-intensity exercise, 1.25 to 2.5 hours per week of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise, or a combination of the two
  • muscle strengthening activities of moderate intensity or greater, that involve all major muscle groups, two or more days per week

Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise each day, and make sure to include activities that you enjoy, such as walking, dancing, swimming, and cycling.

3. Eat a healthy diet and Stay Hydrated

Eating a balanced diet that is low in saturated fats and filled with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats is important for overall health, as it helps to reduce the risk of chronic illnesses. Eating a healthy diet also helps to maintain energy levels, which can help to make ageing a much more enjoyable experience.

healthy eating

Focus on eating foods that are rich in antioxidants and foods that are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that can help reduce oxidative stress and keep your cells healthy.

Staying hydrated is also key to maintaining optimal health. Drinking eight glasses of water a day can help flush out toxins from your body and keep your cells healthy.

Smoking and alcohol have both been shown to cause premature aging and increase the risk of disease, and quitting smoking and keeping alcohol consumption within national guidelines have both been shown to have a positive effect on health. 

4.  Stay mentally sharp and keep learning  

It is also important to stay mentally sharp, and keep the brain active. Learning new things, such as a new language or a new skill will keep your mind alert and positive. 

tips for how to age positively

Engaging in fun and stimulating activities, such as puzzles, reading, and playing games can also help to keep the mind active, as well as providing a great source of enjoyment. 

Signing up for classes will not only keep your mind alert, but can provide a social connection as well, which brings me to my next point.

5.  Stay connected

It can be easy to drift away from friends and family as we move through life, but it is important to maintain relationships to provide social interaction, as well as emotional support. 

Social interaction not only helps to keep the mind sharp, but it can also be a great source of satisfaction and joy and can help to reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation. 

Make time for activities with friends and family, join clubs and organizations, or take up a new hobby that will get you out and about.

6.   Make Time For Self-Care

self care

Taking time to look after yourself is also important for ageing positively. This can include activities such as getting regular health checks, such as a checkup with a doctor or dentist. 

It can also include activities such as taking time to relax and unwind, pampering and self-care.

You should make sure to add the following activities into your routine:

tips for how to age positively
  • Visit your doctor regularly for check-ups and preventive care.
  • Practice stress-relieving activities such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing.
  • Carve out some “me-time” to indulge in some pampering such as an “at-home spa day”, a facial, or just listening to your favorite music or reading a good book.

7. Practice mindfulness and gratitude

Mindfulness is about acceptance and living in the moment by focusing on the present. Taking time to be mindful can help you be more aware of your thoughts and feelings, and can also help you maintain a positive attitude about ageing.

tips for how to age positively

Practicing mindfulness has many proven health benefits that can help you age better, including:

  • more positivity
  • reduced stress
  • higher relationship satisfaction
  • better memory
  • improved focus
  • increased immune functioning

To practice mindfulness, try meditation, journaling, coloring and yoga.

8. Pursue your passions and Embrace new hobbies

Evidence shows that people who engage in hobbies and leisure and social activities are happier, experience less depression, and live longer.

Find something that brings you purpose and meaning. Whether it’s a hobby, travel, or volunteering, pursuing your passions can help you find joy and fulfillment as you age.

tips for how to age positively

Ideally, try to include one hobby in each of the following areas 

  • a  creative hobby, such as cooking, writing, sewing or painting
  • a hobby to learn, such as learning a new language, reading or watching documentaries 
  • a hobby to socialize , such as volunteering (which will also give you a sense of purpose and connection),  taking a community class or joining a walking/ hiking group 
  • a hobby to stay fit and healthy, such as playing golf, dancing , walking or hiking,  swimming or gardening 

You might also want to add a hobby to make income. Whilst making money might not be an essential requirement for a hobby, finding a way to monetize your hobbies while still finding fun, enjoyment and purpose in them may be worthwhile. 

Examples of activities you might want to consider are blogging, selling homemade crafts on Etsy or web design.

9. Get enough sleep 

Quality sleep is essential for maintaining optimal health and even reversing the ageing process. Make sure to get at least seven hours of sleep each night to help improve your energy levels and mental clarity. 

sleeping woman

Getting enough sleep has been proven to:

  • reduce inflammation
  • lower the risk of age-related illnesses, such as heart disease and stroke
  • lower the risk of obesity 
  • reduce stress and depression
  • improve focus and concentration

10. Adopt some “anti-aging” practices 

Whilst we need to be aware of the stereotyping and unrealistic expectations some anti-ageing practices may encourage, there are some age positive practices that it would be beneficial to add into your routine, such as : 

  • Protect Your Skin: Sun damage is one of the leading causes of premature ageing, so be sure to apply sunscreen regularly and wear a hat when you’re out in the sun. 
  • Take Supplements: Taking supplements can be beneficial in reversing the ageing process. Look for supplements that contain antioxidants, such as vitamin C and E, as well as omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Use products that are beneficial for your skin : understand your skin type and specific concerns and use  products that are adapted to your specific needs. These can range from creams and serums to more advanced products such as LED treatments, laser therapy, fillers and injections. I will be sharing my skincare routine in a future post, but in the meantime, have a look below for a few of my favorite products. 


Conclusion about How to Age Positively

Ageing positively means accepting and embracing getting older, rather than seeing it as a negative thing. It is about realizing that ageing is a privilege that not everyone gets to enjoy and making the most out of life and taking the time to be present and enjoy each moment.

It is important to maintain a positive mindset, stay active, both physically and mentally, and to stay connected with the world around you. It is also important to eat a healthy diet, take care of yourself and to strive to continuously learn and grow. 

By following these tips, you can age positively and enjoy the years ahead, whatever your current age!

I hope you enjoyed this feature about Ten tips for how to age positively, and I plan to continue a series about how to age positively, with my tips on the best  “anti-ageing” foods, the best skincare routines, product reviews and more, so let me know in the comments if this is of interest to you, and if you have any specific topics you would like me to cover. 

I will be back soon with more style, lifestyle and travel inspiration and don’t forget to subscribe to make sure you never miss a post,


Look good, feel good, live your best life 🙂

With love,


  1. Oh, I absolutely love this post, my friend! Practicing mindfulness and daily gratitude is really big for me, it is life changing. I am working on making my diet a lot cleaner and would love to start doing meditation weekly.

    Make Life Marvelous

    1. Julia Rees says:

      Thanks Ashley! I love your hustle culture series too!

  2. These are great tips! Embracing aging and having a positive mindset around it so important!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

    1. Julia Rees says:

      Thanks Jill! I agree that mindset is so important x

    1. Julia Rees says:

      So glad you like the tips, Nina 🙂

  3. Meditation is something new I’ve been adding to my daily recently and it helps so much!


    1. Julia Rees says:

      Thanks Carrie! I’m so glad you’re finding meditation helpful xo

  4. I love this! I think exercise is soo important. And it’s even more important to do something you enjoy. I love Pilates, Yoga and going on walks. Doing this now while I’m young is definitely gonna help me stay fit and active later in life.

    Lots of love,
    Krissi of the marquise diamond

    1. Julia Rees says:

      I love Pilates and walking too, and I agree that it’s important to do something you enjoy! x

  5. This is so true…nowadays not many people look forward to aging because the way aging is portrayed in the media. However, it really is a prevelage to age.

    1. Julia Rees says:

      I totally agree Radi! It really is a privilege x

  6. They are 10 helpful tips.

    1. Julia Rees says:

      I’m so glad you find them helpful. x

  7. Shauna says:

    Getting enough sleep is the hardest for me! I try, but my body always wants to wake up in the night and never fall back asleep…annoying!


    1. Julia Rees says:

      I know that feeling, Shauna. I’ve stopped trying to fight it and assume my body knows what it needs….

  8. Oh wow that is sad, jez 26 too old? I remember reading a post in a forum where the person posting expressed that she felt she was experiencing agism and was having a hard time finding a job. She lamented that she should not be looked over for having some experience under her belt. How old was she? 45? 52? 63? No 31. Though agism is big problem in the U.S. You could follow all these wonderful tips and employers could give a rats ass.

    Things a bit crazy over there, huh. People are more aware, in the states people just fester and the become active shooters or try to storm the White House…

    Allie of

    1. Julia Rees says:

      It’s so sad and scary that 30 is considered old! I also think that employers are making a big mistake in overlooking the experience and knowledge that older workers bring to the workforce, especially in teaching and managerial roles.

  9. These are great tips! I am working on changing my diet and my art journaling is what keep me sharp and mindful. Great post Julia!

    1. Julia Rees says:

      Thanks Kathrine! I love seeing your art journalling – it looks so relaxing. I’m working on my diet too, but I have a lot of cheat days 🤣

  10. Marianela Beauty Tips says:

    Interesting post. Thanks for sharing.
    I invite you to visit my last post. Have a good week!

    1. Julia Rees says:

      Glad you found the post interesting! xo

  11. These are all such great tips we should all be following. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Julia Rees says:

      So glad you like the tips, Laura x

  12. I love this post Julia! I totally agree with all the tips here. I often hear younger women talking about getting older and viewing it as bad. For me, it is about personal growth. The Mark Twain quote is so true xx

    1. Julia Rees says:

      Thank you Janet! I love the Mark Twain quote 🙂

  13. jodie says:

    We definitely need to spread the word that getting older is a good thing. Geez, at 25 I was still in school.
    Mindset and attitude are key and I love how you included everything,

    1. Julia Rees says:

      Thank you Jodie! I totally agree! xo

  14. Lizzie says:

    Such a great post! I love all of these tips. In fact, I do most of these already! I really do think it’s less about trying to look 25 and more about staying in a positive mindset and embracing yourself. Aging is much more than looks so I’m glad that you incorporated that as well!


    1. Julia Rees says:

      Thanks Lizzie! I totally agree that aging is about so much more than looks and that maintaining a positive mindset is so important xo

  15. Great tips!

    1. Julia Rees says:

      Thank you Christine! I’m glad you like them 🙂

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