Welcome back to the Velvet Runway and this feature about 3 things to remove from your wardrobe today. Do you know that one of the best things you can do to improve your personal style is completely free!

Going through your wardrobe and removing anything that doesn’t serve you isn’t just very therapeutic but it also helps you gain clarity on your style.


I am not advocating a complete wardrobe detox today as that would only be overwhelming and would not be valuable until you are clear on your goals (life and style), know your style personality, body shape and colouring.

HOWEVER, there are three items to remove from your wardrobe TODAY!

3 things to remove from your wardrobe today

Let’s go through the list:

Ill-Fitting Clothing. 

We are all guilty of keeping clothes that are too small (for when we lose weight or even as ‘test’ clothes to see if we are losing weight) and some of us even keep clothes that are too big (just in case we put on weight!!).

But, how depressing is it to look into a wardrobe half full of clothes that you can’t even get on!!



If it’s too big, then either have it altered to fit, or if you can’t get it altered, then just sell or donate it! Do you really need an excuse to buy those donuts?


If it’s too small and you are genuinely motivated to lose weight and you really LOVE the clothes, then take them  out of your wardrobe (so they’re not taunting you each day!) and put them in a suitcase or a storage box.

Then, when you have achieved your target weight you can revisit and decide if you still like the clothes (and I bet you want to buy new ones!)

Damaged, torn, worn or stained clothing


How about damaged, torn or stained clothes? Do you really want these clogging up your wardrobe?

My tip for this is REPAIR, RENOVATE or REJECT!

If something is torn (unless, of course, it’s meant to be!), then either have it repaired or if it’s beyond help then throw it out!

if something is stained, then either try to remove the stain yourself or take it to the dry cleaner’s. If the stain is resistant to all efforts, then throw out the offending garment!

Emotional baggage items

Are you keeping clothes that have a sentimental/ emotional value but that you will never ever wear?

If so,  – LET IT (THEM) GO!

I don’t want you to tackle all of them at once, but just remove ONE  item that is dragging you down emotionally. Not only will you feel better but you may also generate some money from selling it or at least make someone else happy if you give it away!

So, by now, you should have cleared out at least three items from your wardrobe. 

Before I leave you, I just want to add that there are two other key items that you should also be removing from your wardrobe, but I don’t want you to tackle these before you have set your personal life and style goals and understand your style personality, body shape and colouring, so I’m going to save these for another day.

But, just to give you a taster, you should get rid of anything that doesn’t align with the person you are right now (and the person you want to be) or with your lifestyle and/or anything that doesn’t serve you and make you feel amazing!

Also, anything you don’t wear shouldn’t be in your closet! If you haven’t worn something in the last year then you’re probably not going to! Even, if it was really expensive, if you’re not wearing it then it has to go! You can sell it on a designer sale site or a preloved store and you will at least get some of your money back!

I hope you enjoyed this post about 3 items to remove from your wardrobe and you may also be interested in this post about how to dress like a Parisian and if you’re still looking for Valentine’s Day inspiration, then have a look here.