Welcome back to The Velvet Runway and this feature about What is sports tourism and why is it important?

Sports tourism is a popular pursuit that much of the population indulges in. It offers tourists the chance to pair their passion for sports with sightseeing and visiting new places all over the world. Many cities are geared up for sports tourism and make it part of their appeal to attract visitors from all over the world.

Popular examples of sports tourism events include watching the World Cup in another country and making the most of the experience with football-related merchandise. Expanding on football as an example, the UK had 1.5 million inbound visitors who went to a live football match in 2019 alone – this equates to around one in every 27 visitors.

Here’s what you need to know about sports tourism, including how it can benefit countries across the globe.

What is sports tourism?

What is sports tourism and why is it important?

Sports tourism refers to the act of travelling to see or experience sport-related activities, events and landmarks. Different cultures embrace sport in a variety of ways, after all, so there’s plenty out there.

You might go for a venue tour, visit a museum or watch a professional sports tournament. It allows tourists with a passion for sport to visit a new place and experience sport-related activities in a range of ways.

Sports tourism doesn’t just have to revolve around popular sports, it could also look like attending a pilates training course or learning to surf. There’s so much to experience when it comes to the world of sports. For many, sports tourism forms an entryway into a new culture and prompts people to visit new places that wouldn’t ordinarily cross their minds.

2. The importance of sports tourism


So, why is sports tourism so important? Like any type of tourism, new visitors to the area result in more money being contributed to a country’s economy. The ongoing nature of the sport means it’s unlikely to fizzle out, making it a good and sustainable option when it comes to tourism. Plus, you can build additional experiences around sports to enhance them and maximise income from tourists. This means that a place is also more likely to receive funding and a better economic prospect.

On top of the economic benefits, sports tourism can help to build a sense of place and identity – and places with an interesting identity tend to be more appealing to tourists. This can simultaneously be key to building a sense of community amongst not only tourists but also those who live in the area.

Global sports tourist attractions

Examples of popular global sports attractions include:

What is sports tourism and why is it important?

  • World Cup
  • The Olympics
  • Commonwealth Games
  • Wimbledon
  • Super Bowl

Outside of these, large city-based marathons draw in a huge number of crowds, as well as golf and cricket tournaments. The list is endless.


Final words

Sports tourism is an important aspect of the travel industry as it offers a unique and thrilling experience for both participants and spectators. It brings people from different parts of the world together to witness and engage in various sporting events, fostering cultural exchange and global unity. It also contributes significantly to the local economy by generating revenue through ticket sales, accommodation, transportation, and related services. Overall, sports tourism not only enhances the tourism sector but also creates opportunities for economic growth, cultural enrichment, and personal development.

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