Do you ever feel so overwhelmed that you just don’t even know where to start?  I understand as I have felt EXACTLY the same, so I wanted to share with you my top three tips for dealing with overwhelm.

Here’s my simple three step process to help you “declutter” your mind.


Step One :

Make a list of your “glass balls”. 

 When juggling the balls of life, some are plastic and some are glass. It’s inevitable that you are going to drop some balls, so when that happens, make sure you let the right one hit the ground!

Make a list of which are YOUR glass balls, so you know which things are non negotiable.

Step Two : Schedule your priorities 

 The most precious resource we have is our time and we need to be really careful how we choose to spend it. We need to make a conscious choice how we spend our time, as we can never get it back!

The key to using our time wisely is NOT to prioritize what is on our schedule (to do list) but to SCHEDULE our PRIORITIES. 

Start with the things that matter to you the most and schedule THESE first.  

Step 3 : Have a worries bonfire. 

 So, now we’ve identified our “glass balls” and scheduled our priorities, the trick is to “let go” of the things we can’t control, and remove the “unimportant” tasks from our “to do” list.

A great way to do this is to have a “worries bonfire”. Have a look at the video for more details!

I love the idea of symbolically setting fire to the paper (but please do so carefully!). However, you can just tear the paper into small pieces if you prefer. 

You can also just use this last stage every time you feel worries popping into your head, just write them down on a piece of paper, and then at the end of the day, review the paper and eliminate the things you can’t control and the things that aren’t really that important! 

And when you’re feeling really overwhelmed, I definitely recommend going outdoors and getting some fresh air to clear your head!

tips for dealing with overwhelm

I hope you found this post about my tips for dealing with overwhelm useful, and you can find more mindset tips here.

Finally, I want to invite you to a FREE Masterclass on Saturday May 1st about “The 5 things that are sabotaging your happiness and success, and how to overcome them”.

This is entirely FREE, but because this is a 100% LIVE discussion, online capacity will be extremely limited. So registration is required to secure your place.

Just click on the link below to book your spot. A replay will be available if you are unable to attend, but the link will only be sent to those that are registered.

I hope to see you there!