The Gift of Self-Love on Valentine's Day
Health and Wellness Lifestyle

The Gift of Self-Love on Valentine’s Day: Celebrating and Nurturing Yourself

As Valentine’s Day approaches, the world turns its attention to love. It’s a day when romantic gestures fill the air, and expressions of affection are exchanged. But amidst the flurry of hearts and roses, there’s one kind of love that often gets overlooked: self-love and so in this feature we are delving into how you can give yourself the gift of self love on Valentine’s Day.

Valentine’s Day is often associated with romantic love, but it’s also the perfect occasion to celebrate self-love and embrace the beauty of being happy in your own company. While showering affection on others is wonderful, it’s equally important to prioritize and cherish yourself.

In a society that sometimes equates love with external validation or romantic relationships, it’s easy to forget the importance of loving oneself. Yet, self-love is the foundation upon which all other forms of love are built. It’s about accepting ourselves fully, flaws and all, and treating ourselves with the kindness and compassion we deserve.

The Gift of Self-Love on Valentine's Day

We have been conditioned to look outside of ourselves for many of the important things in life, in particular unconditional love. However, I believe that until we are capable of self-love we will end up in the wrong relationships, constantly looking to someone else to give us all of the things that we have not yet been able to give to ourselves.

To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance

Oscar Wilde

You know the feeling that you have when you fall in love with someone and you want to spend every second of every day with them? Well, wouldn’t it be amazing if you felt that way about yourself?

So, for this Valentine’s Day, how about directing some of your energy into the relationship that you have with yourself, without relying on someone else to fulfil your needs.

I’m not saying you can’t have a wonderful day or evening with the person you love, or that you can’t buy and receive gifts, but it’s also a great opportunity to gift yourself with all of the things that you wish to receive or experience on this or any day.

The Gift of Self-Love on Valentine's Day

Take the time to nurture your body, mind, and soul. Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether it’s indulging in a bubble bath, going for a nature walk, or simply curling up with a good book. Self-care isn’t selfish; it’s essential for your well-being

When you start to value and truly appreciate yourself, you will attract a different energy and the people around you will start to recognise your worth and show up in different ways!

The Gift of Self-Love on Valentine’s Day: Celebrating and Nurturing Yourself

So, this Valentine’s Day, let’s make a conscious effort to celebrate self-love. Here are a few ways to embrace and cultivate it:

Mind : Emotional Wellbeing

The Gift of Self-Love on Valentine's Day

Emotional wellbeing is the ability to cope with life’s challenges and here are a few tips to improve your emotional well-being.

  • Practice Self-Compassion: Be gentle with yourself. Acknowledge that you’re human and that it’s okay to make mistakes or have shortcomings. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a dear friend in need.

The Gift of Self-Love on Valentine's Day

  • Engage in Self-Reflection: Take time to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Journaling, meditation, or simply quiet contemplation can help you gain insight into yourself and deepen your connection with your innermost desires and aspirations.
  • Pay attention to your surroundings (physical environment and connections). Our outer environment has a great influence over our internal feelings, so make sure to surround yourself with things that will uplift you.
  • Create a beautiful space for yourself that fuels your soul. Declutter your home and treat yourself to some fresh flowers. Light some candles and play some soft, uplifting music.

  • Self-love begins with nurturing a positive mindset. Challenge negative self-talk and replace it with affirmations and positive thoughts.
  • Cultivate Positive Self-Talk: Pay attention to the way you speak to yourself. Replace negative self-talk with affirming and empowering statements. Remind yourself of your strengths, accomplishments, and inherent worthiness. You are enough, just as you are.
  • Part of self-love is setting healthy boundaries and learning to say no when needed. Understand your limits and don’t be afraid to prioritize your own needs. By establishing boundaries, you create space for self-care, personal growth, and meaningful connections with others.
  • Surround yourself with people who inspire you and lift you up, and distance yourself from toxic relationships.
  • Eliminate (or reduce) time-consuming activities that don’t make you feel good, maybe reduce your time scrolling through social media but use it in a positive way to inspire and motivate you.

  • Practice forgiveness (of others but also of yourself). Forgiving past mistakes and misjudgments in your past will help you cultivate an open heart and mind that is ready for new experiences.
  • Write a list of of all the things you appreciate about yourself and keep it visible!
  • If you don’t feel happy with your life at the current time, write down three to five simple actions you could take right now to make you feel better, such as go for a walk, call up a friend, declutter your closet ….

Women cooking

  • And always remember to spoil yourself! Take time for yourself and indulge in things that create passion and excitement in your life. Whether it’s watching a movie on Netflix, reading a good book, doing a hobby you love, dancing, cooking a delicious meal, baking a cake, make sure to set aside some valuable time for yourself.

The Gift of Self-Love on Valentine's Day

Body: Physical Wellbeing

It’s important to appreciate all the amazing things our body does for us all the time rather than focusing on what you consider to be your “flaws” and “imperfections”.

Body confidence doesn’t come from trying to achieve the perfect body. It comes from embracing the one you’ve already got!

And I said to my body softly, ‘I want to be your friend.’ It took a long breath and replied, ‘I have been waiting my whole life for this

Nayyirah Waheed

One of the ways to improve our physical wellbeing is also to take care of our body and show it lots of self love. This could include:

The Gift of Self-Love on Valentine's Day

  • Focusing on nourishing your body with healthy and delicious foods.
  • Dressing for the body shape you have now, rather than waiting to lose weight so you start to look good and feel good immediately.

woman in bath

face mask

  • Looking after your skin and taking some time out for some pampering self-care, for example, booking a facial, having an ‘at-home’ spa or pampering day

Woman running

  • Making time to exercise.
  • Establishing a nighttime routine for a healthy dose of sleep. 

Soul : Spiritual Wellbeing

Spiritual wellbeing is all about finding peace and harmony in life, and some activities you might want to consider include :

  • Embrace your unique path and celebrate your growth and progress. Recognize how far you’ve come and the resilience you’ve shown in overcoming challenges. Every step forward is a testament to your strength and courage.

The Gift of Self-Love on Valentine's Day

  • Practice Gratitude: Take stock of the things you appreciate about yourself and your life. Cultivate a mindset of gratitude, focusing on the blessings and opportunities that abound. Gratitude opens the heart to love, including self-love. Try keeping a gratitude journal, and writing 3 to 5 things you are grateful for each day.
  • Spending time outside in nature. 

Woman doing yoga

  • Practicing yoga
  • Practicing affirmations and becoming mindful of your inner voice. Whenever you feel negativity rearing its ugly head, replace the negative thoughts with a positive affirmation, such as “I love and accept myself as I am”

  • Helping someone else and doing something altruistic, such as shopping for an elderly neighbour, manning a phone line, reading to someone….
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help, if you need it— it could be as simple as starting a self-compassion meditation practice through to setting up an appointment for coaching or counselling.

The Gift of Self-Love on Valentine's Day

Self love leads to greater levels of joy and happiness and also gives you increased confidence and success. The gift of self love is also the key to creating healthy and lasting relationships with others.

And most importantly to give yourself the gift of self love this Valentine’s Day, accept and embrace the person that you are today.

The greatest gift you can give yourself is to accept yourself as you are right now! This doesn’t mean we can’t also strive towards improving ourselves. It just means we are starting with a healthy appreciation of who and where we are right now!

That being said, we can embrace the joy of learning and commit to continuous self-improvement. For example, you could :

  • Listen to an inspiring podcast
  • Read a paper/article or a book on a topic that interests you
  • Sign up for a new class or course – you can learn just about anything these days from flower arranging to car mechanics.
  • Challenge your brain, by trying a crossword or a puzzle
  • Do your usual walk the opposite way round!

A healthy sense of acceptance is actually one of the number one motivators in accomplishing our goals. It also affects how you let others treat you, how you treat yourself and how you react to stressful and difficult situations.

So, this Valentine’s Day, whether you are in a relationship or not, give yourself the gift of self love! Because the key to loving others and having healthy, fulfilling relationships is to love yourself first.

Final Thoughts about The Gift of Self-Love on Valentine’s Day: Celebrating and Nurturing Yourself

And I want to leave you with an extract from ‘The Greatest Love of All, by Whitney Houston, as the words are SO true! Learning to love yourself really is the greatest love of all!

Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
Inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all

Whitney Houston

Valentine’s Day is not only about expressing love towards others, but also an opportunity to shower ourselves with the gift of self-love. By embracing self-compassion, prioritizing self-care, cultivating a positive mindset, setting boundaries, celebrating achievements, and practicing self-reflection, we can nurture a loving and fulfilling relationship with ourselves. Remember, self-love is an ongoing journey, and every day is an opportunity to celebrate the beauty and worthiness that resides within us. This Valentine’s Day, give yourself the gift of self-love and watch as it transforms your life.

I hope you enjoyed this post about The Gift of Self-Love on Valentine’s Day: Celebrating and Nurturing Yourself and and have a look here for more of our lifestyle features.

I will be back soon with more style, lifestyle and travel inspiration and don’t forget to subscribe to the blog below to make sure you never miss a post,



With love,


  1. Shauna says:

    Aww I love this post so much! All are inspiring tips and important things to remember about self care. I hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day!


    1. Julia Rees says:

      Thank you Shauna. I hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day too and I’m so glad you like the post xo

  2. We are each our own worst critic and I am learning to stop negative self-talk. Thank you for writing this inspiring post, Julia.

    1. Julia Rees says:

      I’m glad you found it inspiring, Angie. I agree that learning to stop negative self-talk is so important, and also so difficult! x

  3. So true in some ways self love is the most important. How can you possibly truly love another person if you don’t know how to love yourself. But self love is very challenging for a lot of people. Great tips and advice here on how to learn to love one self.

    Allie of

    1. Julia Rees says:

      Thanks Allie – I agree completely with your comment and I’m so glad that you appreciated the tips xo

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