Bling It On: New Year New You Challenge

Welcome to the first day of the “New Year New You” Challenge, which I am hosting with Ceri from (although you don’t have to be over 50 to join in!)

Before I go into your Day One Challenge, here is a video from Ceri, explaining why we started the challenge and what it’s about.

So, now here is your “New Year New You Challenge” for tomorrow. 

We are posting each challenge the evening before so that you have time to prepare your outfit/ your challenge ahead of time.

Bling It On

Bling it On! New Year New You Challenge 2021

So, for tomorrow, let’s “Bling” it on for the New Year. 

woman touching gold necklace

Focus on your jewellery, and wear a statement necklace (or some statement earrings) and here are 5 reasons why wearing a statement necklace is a good thing!

A statement necklace (or earrings) draws the eye up to your face and away from any “problem” areas.

New Year New You Challenge

By creating a focal point near your face you will draw attention up towards it and consequently away from any areas you would rather not draw attention to. 

A large statement necklace makes a large bust seem smaller. 

This is thanks to the optical illusion of scale. Looking at the picture below,  the middle dot on the left surrounded by large dots appears smaller, although in reality, both dots are the same size. 

Bling It On

It’s a great way to express your personality

Your choice of statement necklace sends a message about who you are. It may hint at a classic style, a dramatic style or at a boho personality, for example. Your style communicates with the world before you even open your mouth, so what do you want your style to be saying about you? 

It can add a pop of colour to your look 

A statement necklace is a really simple way to add a pop of colour to your outfit! It’s a great way to experiment with new colours or add a second or third colour to an outfit. It’s a very cheap way to have a little fun experimenting with unusual colour combinations. 

Statement necklaces are a great way to add interest to your outfit and also to expand a capsule wardrobe

Statement necklaces are particularly useful to make the most out of a capsule wardrobe as they let you create lots of different looks with the same basic pieces.

They are also ideal for travel, as you need less clothes to change up how your outfits/ looks. 

And what I love most, is that they always fit, no matter how much pizza you ate the night before!

There are so many fabulous statement necklaces out there that cost very little but that instantly elevate your look, so have fun experimenting! 

New Year New You Challenge

And, if you don’t own a statement necklace, then have some fun with layering lots of fine necklaces to create your own statement! 

The aim of this challenge is to experiment and have fun with your wardrobe, by wearing what you already own to put together new outfits.

It’s about putting together what you own in new ways and shaking you out of your style rut. So, just have some fun with it and “Bling It On”!  

Also, don’t forget that I am offering new life and success coaching services this year. For more details have a look at my previous post here. And, I am looking for 5 to 6 women to work with me on my new group coaching program.


I am looking for 5 to 6 women who would like to participate in my Beta-test GROUP COACHING PROGRAM, which starts Monday 1st February 2021.

During this 6 week live coaching program, we will cover:

  • clarifying your ideal 2021 vision for ALL areas of your life (finances, work, relationships, health and fitness and more)
  • setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Sensitive) goals
  • working on your mindset and limiting beliefs so that you can achieve any goal that you set your mind to
  • creating a detailed action plan for achieving your goals and putting in place an operating system, a goal tracking system and a scorecard (the GPS)
  • learning how to tackle overwhelm and prioritise important tasks

Research Shows That Only 8% Of People Achieve Their Goals. Be one of the elite!

To find out more about the program, see here.

This program is completely FREE but spaces are limited to 6 women, who are committed to making 2021 their best year and are willing to put in the work and provide feedback and testimonials.

Calls will take place every Monday, starting 1st February at 6pm Paris time (5pm UK time, 9am PST and midday EST). I encourage you to attend the group coaching to get maximum benefit from the program, but if you can’t attend then replays will be available in the member’s area.

The program is entirely free, before the paid launch in April 2021, but spaces are limited; so to reserve your spot, please apply as soon as possible.

Places are limited, but everyone who applies will receive a free copy of my “Create a Vision Board that works” guide.

Please let me know a little bit about you and why you are interested in the program and confirm that you will be committed to seeing the program through, by completing the questionnaire below.

You can apply directly by filling in the 2 minute questionnaire via this link.

Applications close Monday 18th January 2021.

It’s the perfect way to start off the year on a positive, high vibe note and kickstart your success in 2021.